Sunday, September 22, 2019

Una Willoughby's Celebration of Life, Seth and Avery visiting, Dog Jog at Sunset Park, and Sean's Mount Charleston day

-For much of our childhood, my sister Liz and I took ballet classes from a sweet woman named Una Willoughby who remained a dear family friend until her recent passing earlier this month. Yesterday, 9/21/19, her family and friends met at the Atwater Women's Club - one of two places Una used to teach us at - for a Celebration of Life in her honor. Sean and I weren't able to make the trip to join them but were so grateful when my mom sent lots of pictures so we could share in celebrating her memory. Una played a big role in helping countless girls transition into graceful, well-mannered, thoughtful young women. (I can't even imagine how much worse I'd be without her teachings. Lol) She will be missed but never forgotten. <3

-Our friends Seth and Avery came to visit Sean, Danny, and me approx 1.5 weeks ago. Trust an unexpected friend-visit to get most of our lazy butts on the dance pad for a little ITG at some point during the night. Awesome hanging with you guys! Gotta do more of this again soon!

-Sean and I took our doggies to Sunset Park this morning for about 3 miles of jogging, walking, and playground fun. Just a small but much needed family outing!:

Check out my activity on Strava:

-At the start of this month, I believe it was, Sean went to Mount Charleston for a jog/hike up while I played a bit of ITG at home, worked, and went for sushi at another semi-new revolving sushi restaurant in Chinatown called Kaya. Pretty cool place! Anyway, Sean saw some great sights while he was out including the old plane wreckage we'd read was up there and an epic lookout over the area. I think the trek took him 5/5.5 hours or so minus driving time. I still haven't been up there yet but maybe one of these days.

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