Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Wanting to combine our hobbies of dance gaming and traveling, Sean and I decided to put together a 4-panel travel pad for on-the-go dance gaming. The only problem was that all the travel pads we'd seen to date were still too big to fit into carry-on bags and therefore impractical for our purposes of cheap travel and ultra mobility. The solution was simple enough though: take the existing plans for a travel pad, make it, and pretty much just cut it into two stackable halves. Following our dance game bud Sujeet's guide, utilizing free 3D printing services at the library (yep, some libraries off free 3D printing. 😮 Pretty cool!), and combining Sean's and my ingenuity, we made it happen! At the time of this writing, we've been on four domestic and transatlantic flights with it. While, full transparency, it's only juuuust within the carry-on size allowance of most US carriers and barely fits in overhead bins (which could be solved by making the pad just a tad smaller), we've had no problems thus far. Anyway, without further ado, huge credit to Sujeet whose guide we followed for most of this and Sean for much of the rest as well as for working on this with me and video editing and uploading, and go check out the video!: