Friday, November 14, 2014

The Mind of a Stripper

Recently, someone paid me $25 to answer questions regarding my experiences with prostitution. While reading it, he was captivated and decided to pay me another $50 to answer questions he had about my history as a stripper. I should've written this all up this years ago but never had the motivation til someone offered me a bit of cash to do it. Hooray for incentives! Anyway, for anyone interested in learning a bit about the mentality of a stripper (or at least this former stripper) here are my answers:

When I started dancing, I'd already been toying with the idea of trying it out for years. At the time, I was a bit against most of the things that seemed to go hand in hand with the occupation from both the dancer's and client's end but I like trying everything once and don't fully believe I should knock it til I do. Besides, my mom told me she'd done it once (didn't tell me anything else about it) and I was curious.

I'd been working in finances and banking for years already and had just gotten off a bad, stressful shift at work when I finally decided to make my move. I drove to the nearest strip club I could find to see about working there. It was my first time ever setting foot inside a strip club. They immediately accepted me but said I needed a sheriff's card and business license before I could start. I didn't follow up with it, however, and went back to my regular 9 to 5 (well, technically graveyard shift) for another couple of years.

In 2011, I believe it was, I ended up in a relationship with a guy I really liked. He liked me too but was very distracted by other things he had going on in his life so I wasn't getting the attention and affection I needed at the time. I was crazy about him but felt so lonely the whole time I was with him-not an easy feeling for a person like me. It was obviously very stupid of me but while I was with him an attractive male friend of mine started showing me the attention I was lacking and I got a bit carried away with him til I wound up cheating and eventually wanting to leave my boyfriend at the time to be with him. Unfortunately, this guy friend and my boyfriend and I all shared mutual friends and the guy friend wasn't ready for me to make waves by coming out about our feelings for each other. We waited too long to tell though and wound up getting caught instead. My boyfriend left me then and he and the rest of my friends shunned my guy friend and me for months. It was almost unbearable and pushed me to make a few drastic changes in my life.

I HATED my job by then but was doing my best to do what I was supposed to in life with the whole stable job, nice car, nice house, good relationship with a good guy type thing. I'd been doing my best to make it work and not make waves in society but obviously it wasn't working out. I wasn't happy at work and I'd just lost my boyfriend and all my friends. I decided it was time I started living for me and doing whatever the fuck I wanted.

I went to get some tattoo work done as I often do when i need some intense cheering up. While in the tattoo shop, the owner got to talking to me about side work he does and finally offered me a job as an escort. I didn't think it'd work out but I didn't feel I had much to lose by trying other than the stability the job I was working at had offered which had scared me into staying for so long. I called my work up and quit. Everyone at work was absolutely shocked. I'd been one of the best employees at the job for 4.5 years and now I was quitting without notice. It was terrifying but really lifted a weight off my shoulders and made me feel so free. The world was my oyster!

Anyway, I think I tried the escort thing out for a week or so but that turned out ALL wrong for a number or reasons. I was jobless and unsure of what to do with myself. My district manager at the job I'd just quit called a few times to try and get me to go back and finally to wish me luck with my future and let me know there'd always be a spot if I wanted my job back.. I didn't. I thought I wanted to just spend some time selling myself on my own terms and enjoying the sex and money but I was not only concerned about the high risk of STDs and aware that the odds of getting screwed over in such an occupation would be less and less in my favor the more I did it but I was really starting to like my guy friend and wanted to try giving a relationship with him a shot.

I decided it was finally time to try stripping. I walked up to a club close to my house called The Library and got a job. They hired me on the spot but said the same as the first club: that I needed a sheriff's card and business license to work at any strip club. They bent the rules for me a little though and let me work a week there before sorting all that out.

I broke the news to my guy friend that night. He said he couldn't be with a stripper. We'd both started to care for each other a lot so it was an emotional conversation but at the end of it he chose to give it a shot and try to be with me anyway. He became my boyfriend and I started dancing.

I think I was only at The Library for maybe a couple of weeks before I decided to explore my options as far as different strip clubs to work at. The next one I tried was one of the Deja Vu clubs. I worked there 3 days, I believe, but it wasn't for me. I ended up at Glitter Gulch downtown at the Fremont Street Experience and immediately felt comfortable. On top of that, they had and followed the best set of policies (as far as not letting guys touch the dancers, allowing dancers to work any and as many hours as they chose and come and go as they pleased, allowing any and all tats and piercings, etc). I started there, still checking out other clubs around town to make sure it was the best option for me, and wound up working there off and on for about two years.

During those two years, a lot of other things changed in my life including the new boyfriend at the time becoming my fiancé and me later leaving him for the man I'm now married to. Eventually, I started wanting more time with my husband so I quit dancing completely to pursue other endeavors with my husband. Now he and I both work from home, currently making our income from a huge number of different sources primarily, but not exclusively, related to eBay, Etsy, fiverr, and Craigslist.

I've only worked shifts at three clubs in total, though I've been hired by each of the ten or so that I've asked for work at. Some of the clubs hired me from the moment I walked in, a couple had me try out, most gave me the tour of the place and break down of rules right away but none could offer me the full package of freedom, protection from clients, enough clients so that I could make a hearty income, and comfortable environment that Glitter Gulch did so I always wound up back there.

The money was usually really good, though there were bad nights as well as a lot of nights I drank so much on the job that I ended up spending the night with my face in the toilet or sleeping it off in the locker room. I'm not normally much of a drinker but I couldn't handle the job without the booze. I didn't have it in me naturally and I definitely didn't enjoy it as much.

Though an average shift at a strip club here is maybe 6 hours, Glitter Gulch allowed the dancers to work as many or as few of the club's hours as we wanted. I think I averaged about 5 to 5.5 hours per night, rarely staying more than 6 hours, if I remember correctly. I think I tried a really long shift once but didn't profit much more by being there in the earlier hours of the night so I didn't bother trying again.

There were a couple nights when I just stayed long enough to pay my house fee, make $20 or so, and leave if the night was just too slow or I just got fed up with being there. Usually though, I stayed about 5 to 5.5 hours and left with around $400 (after paying the $65 or $75 house fee and tipping out all the club's employees). Nights when I drank too much, it was closer to $200 or $250 profit. There were occasional nights when I made less than $100 profit and a I few when I made $650 or more but making more than $700 in a shift that length in that particular club was rare for me and I think the most I ever made in a night was probably just under $1,000. Of course, if I added the amount I paid to work there for a night (house fees and tips), the figures would probably all be $70 to $180 larger.

There were a few things I really liked about the job. The biggest thing was obviously the money but it was also nice to have an excuse to dress up, look my best, and take care of myself. I also really liked the rare occasion I got to meet a really cute guy I liked and dance for him or maybe even steal a quick kiss. I loved when the club played a great song I could dance to too. Sometimes I'd get so into it I'd almost forget about everyone watching me and I had to remind myself to go and flirt and make eye contact to get the extra tips.

The thing I liked least about the job was slow nights when it was impossible to make much money. Beyond that, however, the other things I really hated were the guys who came in and talked down to me as if I was lower them, treated me with pity, didn't take no for an answer, intentionally wasted my time and didn't pay me a dime, or tried to tell me I should go back to college or do better for myself, as if they knew what was best for me. Some of them just felt sorry for me. Some were disgusted by me and were only at the club for a bachelor party or something. Some just thought of me as an ignorant whore. Some actually cussed at me and said horrible, cruel, vulgar things just to make me feel bad about myself. Others thought they could get away with molesting me or not paying me for my time. Most of them didn't respect me though and they all seemed to think they knew everything about me because they had some idea in their head about what it means to be a stripper or what type of person I must be to be working there.

I never dated any guys I met at the club. The main reason was because I was in a relationship when I started dancing and wound up leaving that relationship for one with my present husband so I was never single while working there. Even if that hadn't been the case, however, finding a match in that club would've been tough for me. With the club's location being in downtown Vegas, most of the men there were tourists. A lot of the men were also in relationships, frequently ones in which their significant other didn't know about their strip club visits. It was also rare for me to find a guy I found attractive there, possibly because those guys tend to be preoccupied with relationships outside the club. Even when I did find one I liked though, it was hard for him to take me seriously or even respect me due to the stereotypes of girls in my line of work.

My club was VERY strict about not letting guys touch us, kiss us, etc. which is part of the reason I chose that club. As much of a pervert as I am, I was trying to make my relationship outside the club work and also wanted the option to be selective about who I slept with and when. Working in a club that allows sexual contact, even just by turning their head when it happens, wouldn't have worked for me because if I ever chose not give it up and another dancer in the club did she'd get paid and I wouldn't. That'd cause me to have to have sex with as many of the clients as possible (or just have really good, underhanded game, which I didn't) to make as much money as possible. Unfortunately, that would eventually likely lead to STDs or even jail time and a bad record if I got caught. Not worth it. Instead, I had to work in a club where no one could get away with anything beyond lap dances so that there'd be no reason for me to make less money than the other girls there based on who would go furthest with a guy. Then, if I chose to, I could make arrangements to meet a guy outside the club for "extras" on my own terms.

At the start, I tried hooking up with a few strip club clients outside of the club for private dances and "extras" for extra money. After a few times, though, I realized I was actually making way more money just dancing at the club. It wasn't quite as much fun but it was safer, easier on my conscience, hurt my significant other less (I always tell on myself in the end), AND paid better.

I was almost always wasted while working at the club, though I usually kept my composure well, but I can only remember one occasion when I left to hook up with more than one guy at a time. For money or pleasure, actually, I think I've only had threesomes with two guys at a time on three total occasions, threesomes with two girls (including me) and one guy on maybe three or so occasions, my boyfriend at the time and another couple maybe once, and more guys than that once. I might be underestimating the totals a little but I think they're at least close. The one and only time I recall being with more than two guys at once, I left the club to meet with four guys and took them back to their hotel room where I fucked at least three of them, I think, and gave a bj and who knows what else to the fourth.

I try not to stereotype or judge guys that go to strip clubs or pay for sex because it's something I plan to do myself at least once just to experience getting a lap dance from a male stripper and paying a male hooker for sex. Different people have different reasons for being there and doing what they do but the only ones I feel any disgust or anger towards are the ones who are doing it behind their significant other's back.

Due to extremely low willpower, an inability to say "no" even when I wanted to, or sometimes empathy towards the relationship I was in at the time, I've cheated more times than I can count. I always knew better but couldn't always bring myself to do the right thing for one reason or another. I've tried to make amends for past mistakes though and do my best to be loyal now. I've also grown up a lot and haven't cheated since I married 2.5 years ago, unless you count the guys my husband allowed me to sleep with when we were in an open relationship during the first month or two of our marriage or the one guy I slept with when my husband left me for a day. (I didn't think my husband was coming back and was surprised and ecstatic to seem him when he came home and found me sleeping naked next to the other guy but didn't feel guilty or anything at all because I honestly didn't believe he'd be back.) I don't support cheating AT ALL, though I do believe monogamous relationships aren't right for everyone and understand the issues between jealous partners and people needing additional sexual fulfillment. I just feel that the partner who needs more needs to have the balls to make a choice or a sacrifice in order to do right by him/herself and his/her partner. As long as that happens and no one's getting walked over or treated unfairly, I have no issues with people enjoying themselves sexually and satisfying their needs as they please.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween 2014 in Vegas

Halloween was pretty interesting for Sean and me. We'd been celebrating a little all month long in various small ways such as trying the pumpkin pies at McDonald's, using pumpkin spice creamer from gas stations to make pumpkin coffee and cocoa at home, buying pumpkin and chocolate chip cookies for $1 from Smith's, trying the pumpkin pie cappuccino from Speedy Mart, using a can of pumpkin and some cake mix combined to make pumpkin cake, blending pumpkin with ice cream and coffee to make a pumpkin frap, watching horror movies, etc. 
I even spent the two days before Halloween making A.W.E.S.O.M.-O and Master Shake costumes with a little help from Sean here and there! They both took a lot of hard work and I didn't really know where to start with Shake but we got creative with the things in the house, spending almost no money on new supplies, and wound up making them both pretty badass! We wanted to take them out Halloween night and try to win ourselves some costume contests so we researched all the Halloween parties around town to find the ones with the best prizes. Most of the parties, especially the big cash prize ones, were at casino nightclubs. One of the highest paying of these was Voodoo nightclub at the Rio. We drove there with our costumes around 10pm on Halloween night but when we arrived we realized we'd severely underestimated our competition. There were way too many great costumes and we didn't stand a chance! At that point, we decided it probably my wasn't worth it to enter the largest cash prize ones but it was too late to enter most of the lower paying ones. The only one we might stand a chance at and be able to make it to was at the nightclub at Sunset Station. We drove down but ended up being too late to enter there too. We stayed and danced in our costumes anyway though, Sean in A.W.E.S.O.M-O and me in Shake, getting lots of praise and even having people ask to take pics of and with us! It was so funny!
Out of other things to do after Sunset Station, we finally had to give up but we still had fun! We went home and downloaded some horror movies to watch together. We already had Cat in the Hat costumes (well, hat for Sean and Thing 1 shirt and panties for me) we'd been wearing before turning into A.W.E.S.O.M-O and Shake so we had a lot of fun playing with each other as Cat in the Hat and Thing 1 til we both orgasmed! XD
Halloween had actually started really funny for me. The first noteworthy thing that happened was me starting my period. Bloody Halloween, huh?

Next, we had breakfast. We decided on cereal but towards the end of my bowl I noticed there were tiny worms squirming around in my bowl. WHAT THE FUCK?! SO nasty! I was pretty traumatized but I guess if it's gonna happen to me at least it happened on the most appropriate day of the year, right?

At night, I hung up a small piñata I'd bought from Mexico a long time ago, saved til now, and filled up with candy for Sean recently. Then I let Sean break it while Danny and I watched! I hadn't known what to do with the piñata til now but Sean had never broken one so what better use than giving him his first experience?

The next night, we still didn't feel like letting Halloween end and several places in town agreed with us on that! We researched and found several clubs and venues doing post Halloween costume parties. We weren't sure it'd be worth the admission fee for us ($60 - $100 for the two of us at any of the major places) but at least it meant there'd be costumed people out for the night and we'd still have an excuse to dress up and be festive! We didn't want the hassle of our giant costumes either though so I did some last minute crafting and threw together cowboy and Indian costumes for Sean and me. We already had the cowboy hat and Indian dress and the rest was just a matter of throwing bits together. It wasn't a contest-worthy costume combo but at least we were dressed up and spirited!
We bought ourselves a bottle of root beer float Smirnoff, on sale for $8.24, and took it for a ride to the strip!
We parked at the Link (formerly The Quad or Imperial Palace before that, now with no arcade :/ ) and had some drink in the car. Then we went for a walk to see what mischief we could get into! It wasn't long before we wound up in The Cromwell and saw a line for their rooftop nightclub called Drai's. We asked how much it'd be to get in and we're told $40 for Sean and $20 for me. We started to leave, not sure we felt like paying $60 for a nightclub at the time, but found a free admission pass valid for two people while on our way out! Wow. We didn't get our hopes up, since those passes are usually only good for ladies, not valid on special event nights, etc but we took a chance and it totally worked! They let us both in for free, without any trouble at all. So we hopped in the elevator with everyone else and rode it up to the club where we found an AWESOME dance floor with crazy lights and a great view! There were pools and hot tubs there too but they were, unfortunately, closed for the night and only open for the daytime beach club, I believe. We walked around a bit, checking the place out, taking lots of pics and vids, and dancing a bit but after a little while it was time for an alcohol run!
We left the club and walked up the strip a little to Casino Royale where we got three $1 Michelob Ultra bottles to share and drink while playing a few credits in the penny slots there.
I had a pretty good buzz after that but still wanted more to drink so we started walking back to the club, grabbing a $2 shot at a bar on the way and stopping in random casinos where I picked up and drank random drinks other people had left behind. x.x; 

Back at the club, they were throwing light sticks to the crowd! We picked up a few and danced the night away together!! The dj was pretty mediocre but we didn't care. We had a blast!! Definitely not bad for an almost free night out, huh?

We got home again around 4 or 5am (hard to know for sure as daylight savings time had ended while we were at the club) and murdered some tasty foods while watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Then, still in costume, we absolutely RAPED each other! Well, Sean raped me. Haha I yanked out my tampon and let Sean tie me up and throw me down on the bed, face down ass up. Then he destroyed me, cowboy hat still on, me still in my Indian costume, both of us getting period blood all over the bed! It was so fucking hot, me playing the captive Indian and him playing my sexy Cowboy captor. Omg....After we finished, we cuddled up together and went to sleep. Such a perfect ending to our Halloween weekend!!

Of course, we still had a couple more loose ends to tie up. We still wanted a reward for all our hard costuming work so we researched online costume contests and entered about 15 of them, many of them multiple times with various costumes, including lots of pet costumes with various pet outfits we came up with! With many of the contest ending dates still to come, not sure how much our efforts will pay off but maybe we'll get lucky!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

UK Friends in Town (Vegas!): Playing Tour Guide For a Week! October 2014

Sean's and my Uk friends Declan, Jo, Toby, and Pete came to visit Vegas recently so obviously we had to make some time to hang with them and show them around! They were here for about a week, I think it was, so we did our best to meet up with them on several occasions to help make sure they got to do a bit of everything before they left.

First off, I apologize for the poor paragraphing, grammatical errors, and hard-to-read run, run on sections. Life's busy and crazy at the moment and I barely had time to jot this all down. Not bothering with proofreading and such. Read at your own risk! Here's how the week went:

The first night, we all met at the Excalibur where they were all staying and went walking up the strip, drinking and gambling at casinos along the way! When we got to MGM, Sean and I had everyone try shots of 151 and then we all got a frozen margarita filled football cup to share as we continued our adventure! One of the gift shops we stopped in for drinks and to look around had a mini deck of cards attached to a keychain for $1. Sean and I picked it up and used it to play drinking games with everyone outside. Walking around near Planet Hollywood a bit later, we ran into Chris Reding's little sis and I introduced her around to everyone. :D We all got $1 beers and/or $2 foot long hot dogs when we got to Casino Royale and then parked ourselves at some slot machines to gamble (or at least watch our friends gamble) for awhile. On our way back to the Excalibur, we took another break in the Flamingo, I believe it was, to hang out by and play the Big Wheel casino game. Sean and I got a coffee and some more food from the McDonald's just outside of the casino and then kept the rest of the guys company at the Big Wheel while they gambled. We got Sean a hot tea from one of the cocktail waitresses. Finally, an hour or two before sun-up, we all walked back to the Excalibur and said goodnight.

We regrouped again the next day, I believe it was, at the Excalibur again. This time, everyone was playing the Big Wheel there when Sean and I arrived. He and I went to the McDonald's upstairs for tea and coffee and then met back up with everyone for some arcade time in the casino's Fun Dungeon arcade. Sean and I shared 2 credits on the PIU machine there. Then it was time for the night's main event: Tournament of Kings! The rest of the guys had messaged Sean and me earlier to let us know they'd be going to the show and had bought tickets. We looked into getting tickets ourselves and joining them and found out that not only could we get a discount on the tickets with our local ID's but we could get our friends a discount too! We weren't sure if it was too late for them since they'd already bought tickets but when we met at Excalibur and went to check with the box office they allowed us to rebook the other tickets with our local ID's, switch the seats so that we could all sit together, and get the cost difference between full price and the locals' discount refunded for our friends! It was about $74 for Sean and me after the discount and totally worth it. I'd seen the show once before years ago but had been waiting for an excuse to take Sean to see it for the past couple of years! Our seats were in the badass Dragon section-the only "evil" section in the show and the only one not named after a country! We were served delicious meals of soup, game hens, broccoli, biscuit, roasted red potatoes, and small, bready desserts with our choice of soft drink. They had an alcohol menu that everyone except Sean and I ordered from as well but Sean and I just enjoyed the treats that were included in the show price and were more than stuffed as it was! Sean and our friends really enjoyed the show and despite having seen it before I had fun being there with them, watching it, and, most of all, checking out all the shirtless men that were in the show. Not as sexy or as much my type as Sean (honestly) but I can still appreciate a bit of variety when it comes to eye candy! After the show, Declan and Jo stayed in the casino but Sean, Toby, Pete, and I drove up the strip in the Mustang with the top down to Fremont where we saw the light show, stopped in souvenir shops, bought some funny adult gifts (a deck of nude guy playing cards for me, a deck of nude girl playing cards for Sean, and a funny grow-your-own-girlfriend thing for my dad), checked out Insert Coin(s), gambled at nickel slots in Mermaid's, ran into my former co-worker Shantia, and showed the guys the strip club I used to work at there. Then we drove back down to the Vegas sign just south of Mandalay Bay for some pics and went back to Excalibur. After a bit more gambling, Pete went to bed. Toby, Sean, and I got some food from McDonald's in the food court there though (including pumpkin pies in spirit of the season!) and then Toby went to bed and Sean and I went home to party on our own!

On Monday, Sean and I went with Danny to watch MNF at Goldcoast casino as usual. This time, it was 49ers vs Rams for the Niners' first MNF game of the season! Niners did their usual and played half the game totally shitty and the other half well. Luckily, it was the first half they did horribly on, losing 14-0, and at the very end of the 2nd quarter they started scoring and kept scoring til the end when they won the game 31-17! Woot!!

Sean and I went out with his UK friends again on Tuesday night. We all met up downtown on Fremont Street and walked around drinking and gambling. Sean and I joined in the gambling on Mermaid's penny slots just for the sake of some free drinks and then we walked on, stopping to get hot dogs and more drinks and gamble a bit on the way to the really cool bar Sean and I had found awhile back called The Griffin. The drinks at The Griffin weren't cheap but I was glad to get to have an excuse to drink there with friends and the atmosphere was really cool. We spent quite awhile there at one of the tables drinking various things and hanging out. By that point, Toby was too drunk to do much more so he walked himself back to Circus Circus, where they were spending their last few nights. The rest of us squeezed into the Mustang and I drove us to Walmart for booze and McDonald's. Then we drove back to Circus Circus, dragged Toby out of bed, and chatted and drank in Jo and Declan's room all night. Toby and Pete finally went back to bed in their room next to Declan and Jo's and the rest of us stayed up playing drinking games. It ended up getting a little naughty with Declan and Sean locking each others' tongues, Jo and me making out briefly, me eating an ice cube out of Jo's butt, and much more til we finally turned out the lights, got naked, and sexed our significant others! Jo and Declan were in one bed. Sean and I spent most of our time in the other bed but paid a quick visit to the other two on their bed and reached a hand in their crotch area to troll them while they were humping. Back on our respective beds, we all rolled around in various positions til everyone jizzed everywhere. Then we all fell asleep at 8:30am, though that only lasted about 3.5 hours and at noon we were up again.

Sean and I had to go home for a bit after that but later on we went back to Circus Circus to pick up Pete and Toby for another night out. It was about 7pm and dark outside or so when we all got loaded into the car but Pete and Toby wanted to see the Hoover Dam so we drove out, stopping for gas and passing through Boulder City on the way, and saw the dam. We were there for a little while, taking pics and looking around. On the way back, we stopped again to visit the Hacienda Casino. Then we drove home, picked up Danny, introduced everyone around, and went to Cane's for food! We had to drop Danny back off at home after eating but Pete and Toby got to look around our house, meet the pets, take pics of all the dance games, and try Technomotion. Around 10:40pm, we rushed out of the house headed for Pinball Hall of Fame to give Pete and Toby a quick look around the place. They took lots of pics and vids and we played a couple of games. Then we drove to Walmart and picked up a couple of things. On the way back to Circus Circus, we stopped in the Crown and Anchor British pub. I thought it'd be funny to take a group of UK dudes to a British pub and see what they thought of the place. They liked it and got a couple of drinks before playing a game or two of darts! We finally dropped them back off at Circus Circus after that and said goodnight.

On Friday, the guy who usually buys photo sets of me in various outfits (usually dresses and lingerie) finally started asking for topless photos and offered me 25 percent more pay in exchange. I happily took him up on the offer and let him hire Sean and me to take pics of me posing in Red Rock for $80! :) While there, we got to pet a cute horse that was near it's fence adjacent to the street on one of the residential properties in the area. So cute! After Red Rock Canyon, we did the last two photo sets inside Red Rock Casino. For obvious reasons, those photos, as well as about half of the others, were fully clothed.

Later that same night, being our UK friends' last night in Vegas, Sean and I used some club passes we had laying around to try and get the 6 of us in to Tryst nightclub at the Wynn casino. We didn't expect the passes to work because nightclubs always seem to have an excuse but we figured we'd try anyway and we're actually 1/3 successful! The doorman said the passes worked for ladies only, though they didn't say anything about that or about any other restrictions that might've applied to us on them, but they got Jo and me in free and the guys were only $30 each! Inside, the place was only 1 level but looked pretty awesome and had catchy, mostly rap and hip-hop music (basically the songs I usually listen to anyway) playing most of the night. We were all too sober at first but Declan, Jo, Toby, and Pete got drinks at the bar and I talked a few guys up and got drinks off them to share with Sean. We spent most of the night goofing off and dancing but went back up to the casino at one point so everyone could gamble at the slots in order to score free drinks. The cocktail waitresses there were surprisingly rude and horrible with service SO slow that some of us finally had to give up on ever getting drinks. Toby and Declan were tired anyway so they eventually just said goodnight and walked back to their hotel room. The rest of us stuck it out, went back to the club, and drank and danced the night away til closing time just before 4am! We were hungry after that so we went to Denny's down the street for food but their service was really freakin slow so we gave up and went across the street to get McDonald's instead. They were out of almost everything we wanted on the menu (frappuccinos and every $1 item) so Sean and I ordered a couple of $3 McGriddles. I ordered bacon and he ordered sausage but when I got mine there was so little bacon the sandwich was basically just bread-couldn't even see the meat from the outside of the sandwich - and the bacon I DID get was tiny, crumbly, broken into several miniature pieces, and burnt. I don't like to complain but I had to have them exchange it for a sausage one. Luckily, the sausage one was delicious! It didn't look like much but it tasted amazing. I was still super hungry after eating it though so once we finished at McDonald's and Jo and Pete said goodnight to head back to their room Sean and I went home and ate super yummy ribs and other leftovers we had in the fridge while watching House. Then we raped each other (which I don't remember at all but had Sean fill me in on after we woke up later and I found lube and sex toys next to me) and passed out together a little after 6am!

Our UK friends had to fly home a little later that day but Sean and I were still free to party so in the afternoon he, Danny, and I took a trip out to St. George, UT and Mesquite, NV to get Chick-fil-A and explore! On the way, we stopped for gas and snacks at Rebel and McDonald's. Then I drove us to St. George, stopping to check out the convenience store/casino/fireworks store combo on the Indian reservation on the way. It'd changed so much inside but still had pretty much the same stuff - just all rearranged. We arrived at Chick-fil-A around 9am and got some extremely tasty meals to fill out stomachs with. There wasn't much more to do, especially not that was open, in St. George by that time so we drove back to Mesquite to look around after that, stopping in each of the three casinos we found there. Sean had never been to two of them before and Danny and I didn't remember them well so it was kind of new to all of us. We started at the Eureka casino which was relatively big and nice inside. There wasn't much of particular interest there but they did offer free metal coffee mugs just for signing up to their players club so Sean and I signed up and took advantage! The next casino we stopped at was the Virgin River casino across the street. Danny and I had taken Sean there before to show him the DDR Max 2 machine in their arcade. This time, we explored the arcade a bit more, played a few games, and cashed some tickets we found and won in for cheap prizes and candies. Sean and I even played a credit on Max 2 together! Then we all looked around the rest of the casino and Sean and I signed up for their players club, getting $5 each in free play for doing so. The last casino was down the freeway toward Vegas an exit or so. It was called the Casa Blanca and was part of the same players club as Eureka. It was nice inside as well but didn't have much of interest for the three of us aside from a very miniature arcade with just a few stand up cabinet games next to the cafe there. After the casinos in Mesquite, we couldn't think of much more to do in the area but had had our fun looking around. Danny was tired anyway and I was satisfied by having been able to show Sean another place I'd been before, even if I barely remembered it myself. I drove us all back home then and Danny went to bed but it was just a couple more hours til Sean and I were out again, this time taking advantage of $1 margaritas at Sunset Station while getting a bit of work done. It was finally back to real, but still fun, life after that!

Howl At The Moon 10k Virtual Race 2014

Awhile back, Sean and I were looking for a race to do and found the Howl At The Moon 5k, 10k, and half marathon virtual race. It was only $17 per person to register for whichever distance race you wanted to enter. After registering, runners could run at their location of choice for the agreed distance, enter their results on the race website (optional), and receive their finisher's medal and souvenir race bib in the mail soon thereafter. (Of course, people could just register, not run, and receive the medal anyway but the system's based on honesty and the assumption that people will generally attempt to earn their medals, not that it really hurts anyone else if they choose not to.) 

Anyway, Sean and I decided to commit to the 10k so that we could get a decent workout, optionally do even more, but wouldn't feel compelled to do an entire half marathon. The location we chose to complete it at was Red Rock. I messaged one of the guys who pays for [innocent and clothed] photos of me to see if he'd want any of me at Red Rock and he paid me $36 for a small collection of photos of me in a few outfits there, pretty much making the race free for us, aside from the cost of gas to get there. (See a few of the photos at the bottom of this post.)

I had to have some pics of Sean too so I took a few of him just for me. :)
After the pics, Sean and I went to find a trail to run. We'd never done a trail in Red Rock before, or at least not completed one, but it was time to change that! We found one called First Creek Trail System. It was 3 miles round trip, rocky and sandy. It was dark out now so we lit the way with Sean's phone and jogged on! At the turnaround point, there was no real marker or significant feature to assure you you were there but the trail disappeared beyond that and our GPS things said we'd reached the turnaround so, after exploring for a couple of minutes, we jogged back.
We drove on a bit to Bonne Springs after that so we could jog the short route I'd done out there one night several years back. From the car where we parked to the Bonne Springs archway entrance and back was just over a mile round trip.

We drove back the way we'd come after Bonne Springs, stopping at Calico Hills (where our rock is) and doing a quick hike up the mountain where we took a break, had some sandwiches I'd made, and cuddled together while watching movies on my phone before hiking back down and driving home, about a mile total round trip.

The next day, we returned to Red Rock with the doggies and had them finish off our race with us (plus an extra mile or two!). We took drinks and snacks and parked at a lookout point a few minutes down the road from the turnoff for Calico Hills, jogging out over the uneven shrub and rock covered landscape, taking a couple of breaks when our fat dog Sammie fell behind a bit. When we finally turned around, we made our way over to the paved highway to jog our way back to the car on the road. The total round trip was about 2.6 miles, I believe. When we got back to the lookout point, we rewarded everyone's efforts with tasty snacks and drinks! Then we headed home, finally having earned our medals and more in the most roundabout way ever! Haha
Some of the gig pics of me at Red Rock:

Monday, September 29, 2014

FLIPnOUT Fun Center Las Vegas

Sean and I bought an $11 Groupon deal for two 1 hour passes to the indoor trampoline place called FLIPnOUT Fun Center in North Las Vegas!

FLIPnOUT Fun Center
1841 E Craig Rd
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
(702) 257-3547

We'd seen pics of the place online and noticed that they had a PIU dx cabinet in their arcade but couldn't tell what mix it was. When we finally drove to the place to use our Groupon though the PIU machine was turned off and the emplpyees didn't know why since they lease their arcade games so we still couldn't tell the mix let alone play. That's alright though. Gotta have an excuse to go back, right?

Anyway, the place had quite a few arcade games (though no other music games), laser tag, a climbing wall, a couple of bounce houses/inflatable kids slides, a snack bar, a ticket redemption prize counter, a couple of vending machines, and, of course, a giant trampoline area to jump around in! Sean and I got there just before 6:40pm. We had to sign waivers so we could jump. Then we used our Groupon deal and, in exchange, received orange wristbands that allowed us to jump til 8pm (20 free minutes)! We went inside, looked around a bit, got a cool video of the place which you can check out on either of our YouTube accounts, and jumped the next hour away til we were too sweaty and tired to jump anymore. Then we went down the inflatable kids slides. Lol Can't wait to go back!