Sunday, April 21, 2019

DDR Extreme Nonstop 240 songs on Heavy/Oni in 8+ Hours for Sean's 20th Dance Game Anniversary & Easter 4/21/19

DDR Extreme Nonstop 240 songs on Heavy/Oni in 8+ Hours! That was our night tonight. 
Today was not only Easter but was also Sean's 20th dance game anniversary!!!  20 years!! (For me, June 27th will mark 16 years.) Wow.. Obviously, that required a very special sort of celebration so we decided to play through ALLL 240 songs on DDR Extreme on Heavy and/or Oni. It took us over 8 hours and was actually much more physically demanding than you'd expect. The 1P side wasn't great, which didn't help, but I think the main struggle for me was just staying vertical for so long. Working from home, I'm really not used to that anymore. Lol Sean did everything no bar too so that was a big, added challenge. Other funny challenges and drinking games we came up with kept things interesting, though they may have seemed a lot more enjoyable than they should've simply because we were going a bit peculiar as the hours went on.
As we've learned from doing other marathon-type feats, we rarely see high scores or other new achievements in the process, partially due to an attempt to conserve at the start and fatigue later on. In this case, the pad, goofing off A LOT, and often barless play were noteworthy factors too. Accordingly, we were somewhat surprised at getting a couple of AAAs and other particularly low great counts. In fact, I'm pretty sure some song called Feeling of Love came in as my 5th or 6th AAA EVER during the night. Yayy (Hey, we never claimed to have great timing, okay?! )
Anyway, check out the vid from our questionable choice of how to spend 8 hours of our day here!:

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