Drive-In Movies, Exploring Vegas, and Partying with Sean - 11/19/13
Sean and I went to see Bad Grandpa at the local drive-in theater. Marquee Simpson and Rob Williams were supposed to join us but had to cancel last minute so it wound up being just the two of us.
West Wind Las Vegas 5 Drive-In
4150 W Carey Ave
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
Normally, it's $6 or $7 admission per person for the movies there but they have a Tuesday deal, $4.75 per person, that we took advantage of.
We snuck our own snacks and drinks in in the car and arrived a little early so we could check out the concessions building and play a couple of their arcade games. (Check Sean's and my YouTube channels for vids of the place and the games we played here.)
The movie was absolutely hilarious, as expected, and Sean and I had a blast laughing it up and snacking together from the comfort and privacy of our own car.
Before and after the movie, we looked around a couple of places in the area. We stopped in the tiny Wildfire Casino there but it was sooo small we were done looking around the moment we walked through the door. I'd looked inside once before, just after I'd first moved to Vegas, but I couldn't remember anything other than being uninterested in the place and it being small. Down the street, we pulled up to the nearby petting zoo. We peeked through the fence but didn't see any animals. We guessed they'd been put indoors for the night so they wouldn't get too cold.
We weren't ready to go home by the time the movie was over so we took random streets in the general direction of home, stopping to explore the places we usually just drive by and see if we'd been missing out on much. To our surprise, we had!
First, we visited the enormous gift shop on Las Vegas Blvd and Sahara.
We wanted to pick up souvenirs for friends and family but didn't have time as they announced when we arrived that they'd be closing in 15 minutes. We had a mini look around though and I even found a mini flask keychain I wanted but later found cheaper on eBay. Lol
Next, we parked at Stage Door casino and convenience store on Flamingo Rd & Audrie St. (The casino is at the far left end of this building.):
I think I vaguely remember going to the casino (more like a small bar with food and few virtual poker machines at the bar) once before I was 21 and standing outside while someone went in and got us beers, which I actually didn't like at all at the time. I'm not sure if that actually happened or whether I imagined or dreamt it all but I'm sure I'd never been inside before and neither had Sean. We'd been to the convenience store at least once before and bought energy drinks, I believe. This time, we went into the convenience store and bought giant coffee mugs (though Sean would be using his for tea)!

We went in the casino/bar too! They had some really good deals such as $2 Jäger shots and $1 Michelob Lagers. They didn't take cards and we didn't have much cash on us so we were pretty limited but we managed to dig up enough for a beer each. We chilled out at the bar for awhile with our beers but had to head out when we were done due to not having any more money. That's okay though, we'd found a new inexpensive hang out spot and we'd be back, hopefully after visiting an ATM next time!
Inside the casino with our $1 beers on the bar counter:
One traffic light east of there, we went to Ellis Island, used the $5 per person free play they send us twice per month, and left with $10.50 in free cash!
One more traffic light east, we noticed a huge sign at Silver Sevens (formerly Terrible's) casino advertising $0.99 breakfasts for anyone with an A-Play players card there! We had A-Play cards and we were hungry so we pulled over, went in, sat down in the cafe, and ordered. The breakfast consisted of two eggs, hashbrowns (more like potato chunks), choice of two sausages or two bacon strips, and choice of two slices of toast with butter. We couldn't believe how ridiculously cheap it was but they weren't kidding! Here's what we got with our dollars:
Bellies full, we drove to Walmart and bought a bottle of Jäger for dessert! We were finally ready to go home but far from ready for sleep.
At home, we mixed our Jäger with orange juice, mixed some beer with some fruit-flavored ginger ale, and mixed alcoholic egg nog with milk. Then we made a hookah and took it up to our room along with all the drinks. We pulled out the giant "I Love London" playing cards we hadn't used in a lonnnng time, google searched and played various long rap mixes on YouTube, and put on episodes of South Park with the volume off. We spent most of the rest of the night playing about a billion drinking card games (blackjack, poker, King's Cup, some random games we made up) while smoking hookah and getting totally wasted.
King's Cup was the best! We played some version of it where 5s meant we had to mimic and add onto each others' dance moves, which was nearly impossible since we couldn't remember anything for more than 5 seconds. We tried though and it was hilarious! Queens were questions in that version (and maybe most versions?) of King's Cup. That was another hard one! The hardest, however, was the "Never have I ever" or whatever. At first, it was pointless because we know most of what the other person's done so we had to get creative. We made a rule that we could only use things that we didn't know whether the other person might've done. It super tough and took forever thinking of things that each other might've but hadn't necessarily done but the results were way more hilarious and rewarding that way! In the end, I don't even know who won or who drank what but I do know that almost every cup we had was empty and we had no beer and only maybe 1/3 of the Jäger bottle left. I'd also somehow managed to burn my arm on the hookah pretty badly but I didn't really realize just how badly til the next day! Part way through the game, I know Sean somehow ended up on top of me, thrusting his warm cock deep into my wet cooch. It took me a few minutes to realize we'd gotten distracted and force myself to stop enjoying the moment so much and pull the cards out from under my ass to finish the game! XD At one point, I had to run off to the bathroom for a quick puke too. I think we eventually finished though and just in time before we were too drunk for our no longer existent attention spans to let us play anymore.
Then came the REALLY fun part! We wound up dancing with each other to the crappy hip-hop music til I was on top of Sean, giving him the type of lap dance that'd get a stripper fired from any semi-respectable gentleman's club! Of course, it was only a moment before that resulted in his dick finding itself back inside me and holy shit did that feel incredible!! Wow.. It was SO damn good, actually, that I had to slow it down and dance for Sean a bit more just so I wouldn't finish too fast. I wanted to save it up for an amazing grand finale and it worked out just like that. We ended up soaking the bed together, feeling so incredible, and finally passing out in the mess of it all around 8am.
There's were some of the party supplies we had a crazy night with:
DDR Holiday and Hard Work on Exercise Bikes - 11/20/13
Today was a well known, unofficial DDR holiday: 20, November! Sean and I didn't wake up til around 6:30pm and had things to take care of before we could get to dance gaming so it was 11:30pm before we got to celebrate. We got to Wildfire Lanes in Henderson just after 11:30 and with just enough time for a couple of credits on their DDR Extreme machine before the day was over. We played our first credit together but the 1P pad was so bad we decided to share the 2P side for our second credit. We took turns playing on the 2P side and shadowing each other and finally shared our last song, Fantasy, with Sean playing the left and right arrows and me playing the up and down. It was so much fun! We might not have gotten much dance gaming in but we made the most of our 20, November DDR credits (and, of course, both made sure we played the song, 20, November)!
Wildfire Casino and Lanes, outside the bowling alley section where DDR Extreme's located:
Headed home, we noticed a tiny bar/pub/saloon-looking place near Mountain Vista and Russell, I believe. We'd never thought to stop there before but were a bit curious this time about what we might find inside. There wasn't much other than a pool table or two, electronic darts, the bar, a vending machine with snacks and cigarettes inside, a popcorn machine with what appeared to be complimentary popcorn inside in the far corner, and a Golden Tee game with $1 credit inside. We shared the game on Golden Tee and left, continuing back towards home.
At home, we needed to get some work done but were hungry, wanted to watch something, and didn't feel like we'd gotten enough exercise at Wildfire so we cooked some food, filled our huge new mugs with tea and coffee, set up our exercise bikes with a table on top, put on something to watch, brought down our laptops so we could get work done, and solved all of our problems at once!: