Monday Night Football, ITG/DDR, Red Rock Overlook with the Dogs, NES, Sympathy For The Devil (Running With The Devil) 5k race, Midnight Cowboy 5k race, etc 9/9/13-9/14/13
Amongst lots of other things, we went to Wildfire Lanes, one of Vegas' few 24hr dance game locations, for a few early morning credits on DDR Megamix today! Still $0.50/3 songs. 2P side is still pretty good, though the screws hurt if you don't wear shoes. Vids coming soon!
Just after that, we went to Walmart and got a new car battery. Our old one was shot but still have us some trade in value so we only had to pay $65 or $69 or something.
Later, Sean and I went to Johnny Rockets for a promotion they had going on: free milkshakes just for saying "yummy"! Sean got vanilla, I got chocolate, and they really were yummy!
Free shake offer:
Our free shakes!:
Danny got home from work just after that and then he, Sean, and I went the first Monday Night Football event of the season at Gold Coast! We didn't win anything in the raffle this time but we totally raped the food deals there, per usual. Even better news: the bowling alley's arcade now has DDR Supernova available 24/7! (I don't think it was there before?) Wow.. Another 24 hour dance machine in Vegas?!
MNF at Gold Coast!:
Food and drink specials:
Inside the Showroom at Gold Coast for week 1 of Monday Night Football:
9/11/13 & 9/12/13:
Despite waking up with a cold, today was super cool! After some various activities in and out of the house, Sean and I went to play some ITG at Sam's Town. JJ was working so he hooked us up with a few free credits and chatted with us for awhile. His gf, Jennifer Losito, stopped in a bit later. We hadn't seen her in quite awhile either so we asked her what she'd been up to and caught up a little. After 5 credits together, Sean and I were too worn out so we decided to get on with things and drove on to our next destination!
We had to swing back by the house to pick the dogs up for our next adventure but as we were getting them loaded in the car a crazy rainstorm hit out of nowhere. It was POURING down! Thunder, lightning, and wind were going crazy and streets and freeways were getting a bit flooded. It calmed down slightly after awhile and more so after we left the house but it stayed pretty wet for most of the rest of the evening and rained a good amount just after sunset too.
Of course, Sean and I aren't the types to let weather deter us from our plans so we got the dogs loaded up in the car and drove out to Red Rock Canyon! The dogs had never been up there before and we'd wanted to take them exploring for so long! It wasn't long til sunset so we didn't go to our usual spot. Instead, we went to a Red Rock overlook and picnic area and took the dogs out running around in the dessert! (Check my YouTube for the full vid of our Red Rock Overlook adventure!)
The dogs were so excited for their trip! (This was right before the crazy rain storm hit. Our convertible top was up almost immediately after this pic!):
Little Girl offered to drive us there. :p :
Red Rock Overlook:
Exploring Red Rock Overlook:
We were probably out there an hour or more when it started raining hard again. We made our way back to the picnic area by the car, had some snacks, and hopped back in the car.
On the way home, we stopped at Gameworld, which was actually open! Wow. It was Sean's first time actually going inside. The place had changed since I'd last been in maybe a couple years prior. The old arcade area was completely closed off but a new card game area was open on the other side. I guess they'd given up the space lease on the arcade area and leased out the space on the opposite side instead, keeping the main game store in the middle! Sean bought himself Track and Field for the Nintendo while we were there. I didn't see anything I wanted for prices I wanted to play but I checked out a lot of cool games, some of which I'll probably pick up elsewhere in the future.
Front of Gameworld:
These pics don't do the place justice but here's the view from just inside the front door:
Some arcade games at Gameworld:
The card game area of Gameworld (separate but adjacent room):
We were starving so we got pizza from Little Caesars before going home. Then we put some blankets down on the floor by our downstairs tv and game console setup and ate pizza while gaming from about 10pm til 1am! I watched Sean play some of his new NES games, I had a few tries on Mario and Track and Field (didn't go well x.x), and Sean watched me play about 45mind of Fatal Frame in the dark!! Ahhh!! Finally, we fell asleep together, all wrapped up in our blankets on the floor there.
Sean playing some NES!:
When we woke up 5 hours later at 6am the tv and ps2 were still on! We played a few more hours on some various games together including Flow, for which I even brought out my Beat [drum] pad for Sean to try, and Pirates of the Caribbean, which neither of us had tried before but had a really good time with! Crazy! Aside from dance gaming, I hadn't had a gaming sesh like that since I played Daggerfall when I was 9!! That's why it's so amazing being married to Sean. I'm super lucky!
Anyway, we finally got our lazy butts up just in time to make it to Epic Thrift at 9am and take advantage of their crazy Thursday $1 sales. We got so many incredible things for just $1 each! Most things were to resell on eBay and make money from but we got ourselves a croquet set (my 1st!), a skateboard, and a pair of track shoes (for me!) for just $3 total!!! I feel like we don't stop winning. LOL
Oh yeah, and we did a lot of cool things throughout the day but most importantly we met Danny at Sam's Town later that night, played a tough set on ITG, and I didn't get that tired. My period started while I was playing but that didn't stop me either. :p It was feeling easier than it had in a long time. I think I'm finally dusting the cobwebs off. Guess who's getting it back?!
We ate with Danny at Fatburger at Sunset Station after that and then Sean and I chilled out for the rest of the night, finally going to bed around 1am maybe.
Sean and I didn't wake up til 10:30am but when we did wake up we woke up horny! We were all over each other in no time at all, Sean going in every one of my holes til he ended up in my butt. Mmm My vag started bleeding everywhere while we were doing each other and by the time we were done the bed looked like a murder scene and Sean was covered!! Felt good though. XD
You should've seen the
rest of the bed!:
We took care of and did some fun and semi-important things later and eventually went to eat at In-N-Out and watch a movie called The World's End at Sam's Town with Danny! Simon Pegg's character in the movie, Gary King, resembles Sean almost EXACTLY and not just because of the accent! His sense of humor, vocabulary, short attention span, style of arguing, need to always be right, and spontaneous, childish, energetic, carefree, and sometimes accidentally inconsiderate personality are nearly dead on with Sean's with the one exception that Sean can typically manage to focus and get down to business when absolutely mandatory. XD Seriously, aside from the unexpected sci-fi twist that the movie took it felt like I was watching an older version of Sean in his natural environment on the big screen!
More info on the movie The World's End here (thanks, Wikipedia!):
After the movie, Sean and I came back home and handled things around the house. Then we drove alllll the way across town to:
The RoadRunner
9820 W Flamingo
Las Vegas, NV 89147
It was both a restaurant and the location of the following night's race that we were planning to do so we went in a day early to have a look around! It was a really cool restaurant, very western themed with lots to offer for just about everyone. They even had pinball! Lol
Just down the street from there, we saw a carnival! We stopped by to look around. Turned out, it was this year's Sean Genaro Festival location! I'd been to that festival before but Sean hadn't and when I'd gone before it'd been at Rio or some more central location in Vegas and they didn't have the carnival setup, rides, etc.
An awesome inflatable dragon slide-thing at the 2013 San Genaro Festival:
Part of the carnival area:
On the way home, we stopped at Walmart and did some grocery shopping.
At home again, we set some blankets in front of the downstairs tv again, Sean played the Track and Field 2 NES game he'd just bought for awhile while I watched, and we ate some ramen and bread rolls.
It was just before 3am when we fell asleep there on the floor...
We woke up at 5:30am because we had a different race to go to! We hadn't yet registered but luckily the event was procrastinator friendly so we just drove down and registered right before our 7:10am race time! The race: Sympathy For The Devil (possibly the last in the Running With The Devil series). The event: 5k! We both decided to run the 5k this time. It was cheaper and I'm better at shorter distances. :) The location:
Equestrian Park - River Mountains Loop Trail
1200 Equestrian Dr
Henderson, NV 89015
We arrived with devil horns and tails on at 6:25am and registered, $40/person just because it was so last minute. They gave us cool race goodies including some energy gel, drink mix, Running With The Devil technical shirts, and our race bibs!
The shirts:

We all got lined up a few minutes to race time. As usual, Sean started at the very front and I started at the back. I prefer the back because the feeling of passing people up rather than getting passed up is worth the few seconds it might cost me at the end of the race. Besides, I didn't think I'd be beating many people in the race considering I almost never run and hadn't run more than a few minutes since a random 5k we did in June, 3 months and 1 week prior. Surprisingly, I was very wrong! I was actually stuck behind people and having to try not to trip over slower runners for the first few seconds, passed most people up within another few seconds, and had passed almost everyone within a couple of minutes. At first I wondered if I was maybe running too fast but I was pretty sure I could maintain the pace I was doing for 3 miles so I just kept doing my own thing til I was 3rd or 4th from the front. Just before I reached the halfway turn around where the 5k doubles back, Sean and a guy who was neck and neck with him in 1st passed by me on their return. I blew Sean a kiss for good luck. Of course, I didn't think he'd need it. I'd expected him to win from the start and I know the other guy didn't stand a chance! About 2 miles into the race, I noticed my denim shorts were rubbing my thighs a lot and giving me a rash. Bad outfit choice! The devil horns and tail were fine but I was feeling kinda tired and starting to get really bad cramps too. I guess being on my period wasn't helping the matter but I sure as hell wasn't gonna let cramps stop me when I knew my lungs and legs could handle it! Instead, I put my hands on my sides for a bit and put a little pressure on the cramps to relieve them. I didn't care if I was supposed to or not. It felt much better and kept me from stopping. Despite my best efforts, however, a few guys passed me up and there was no way I could catch them again. I guess they hadn't pushed too hard at the start because I knew I hadn't slowed down and they made passing me seem relatively easy, though on of them stopped a couple of times during the remainder of the race, looked back, and started running again. I was okay with it. I was running my own race and I felt like I was doing good for myself. By 3 miles, I was nearly drained! I sprinted the finish, as I always do, but hesitated just a little at the very end because I didn't know where to stop running. There was a sign that said, "finish" but it was just before the spot you have to cross to get your time. I slowed down just a bit but it didn't cost me a place or anything. I still came in 6th overall (after Sean, the guy he was running with, and the other few guys ahead of me) and 1st female out of 42 people! Sean had come in 1st overall! Wow. He was waiting for me at the finish line and as soon as I got my medal he took me to get some water and snacks.
The finish line including me finishing!:
We took a few pics and vids after that and then it was time for the awards ceremony! We weren't able to catch the start, where they announced my name, on video but we got the rest!:
Click here for full 5k race results:
Sean and me in front of the finish line with our medals and 1st place "trophies"!:
Our awards/"trophies" (1st place man overall and 1st place woman overall):
After grabbing some snacks for the road, we decided to start back towards home. On the way, we saw and decided to check out some yard sales. At one of them, we found a bicycle and one of those bicycle trailer things you put your kids in. We paid a total of $40 for both, planning to use the bike for parts for our other bikes and the trailer thing to put the doggies in so we can cycle them around town or even up to Red Rock with us!
I was super hungry by the time we finished with yard sales so we went home and made ramen, sausage, and eggs. We put an episode of Heroes on and ate but after finishing the food Sean was out in a matter of minutes. I watched the rest of the episode then tried to sleep with him but 3 hours later I was wide awake and couldn't fall asleep again. I laid there with Sean for about 40 minutes longer before waking him and then another 2 hours trying to get his sleepy butt out of bed!
We finally left the house again around 6:45pm, headed for Savers to find some cowboy hats for the Midnight Cowboy race at The RoadRunner that night. I found an awesome one for $10. Normally I wouldn't spend that much on a hat but the occasion made it worth it! Sean couldn't find a cowboy hat that would fit his head properly but he found a really funny hat that he wanted instead.
Then we got a few groceries at the 99 Cent Store and drove home to make some food! Sean cooked up some mushrooms and potatoes, I think I made smoothies, and we might've had some leftovers or something. We are upstairs while rewatching that episode of Heroes. Then we got ready for the race and went downstairs where Danny and I watched Sean play NES games til it was time to go!
We got to The RoadRunner 40 mins before race time and registered, $40 per person for the 5k. We didn't wanna pay the extra $5 each for the 10k plus we were a bit sore from that morning's race and decided just to run this one together for fun! It was pretty dark and hard to get good pics/vids but they had a dj, cool lights, and lots of runners there! They gave us technical race shirts, glow stick bracelets and necklaces, and some other little goodies in our race packets.
We started running about 2 mins after midnight. Since Sean likes to start in front and I prefer the back, we started together in the middle. We ran side by side the whole way, hats on, talking about video games most of the way. We weren't trying too hard at first since it was just a fun run for us and we were just enjoying each others' company and the Vegas sights. I think the first mile took us over 10 mins. We picked up the pace for the second mile though, which was funny because we had to run up and down hill, turn around at the halfway point, and run up and down hill again during it. By the last mile, we were beasting! We weren't sure why and didn't plan to but I guess it just felt right. We got progressively faster til the end, passing up some girl about 400 meters from the end and then sprinting the finish! Just past the finish line, they handed us our awesome finishers medals.
The medals:
We didn't realize at the time and hadn't been trying to but we accidentally won other prizes too! Sean had placed 2nd in his age category just by running with me. He wasn't even out of breath, hadn't tried hard at all, and probably would've won the entire race if he'd ran it on his own but it was pretty awesome that he placed anyway! I'd placed first in my age category. I'd also placed 3rd female but prizes only went 2 deep. Sean and I both got a couple of certificates to show for our efforts (or lack thereof) and watched the rest of the awards ceremony too. :)
The age group awards Sean and I received:
Sean and I were pretty thirsty by then so we took advantage of the post race goodies and helped ourselves to four Gatorades, 2 Core Power protein shakes, and even a few bananas, bagels, and little muffins. Mmm! The race officials were also giving out free drink coupons to runners. A good amount of runners didn't want theirs though so we ended up with 6!
Danny had driven from home to meet up with us for food at The RoadRunner and arrived just a bit before the awards ceremony. The dj was playing all night so Danny had to endure watching Sean and me do the Cha Cha Slide before going inside with him to eat. XD Then we all went in, Sean and I used our 6 drink coupons to get 4 beers and 2 Cokes (1 for Danny!), and we sat down for food! Sean and I chugged a beer each, shared some chicken wings, and then tried in vain to drink our second beers.
Somehow, it was about 3:30am by then so we all went home to sleep, though Sean and I showered and hung out til about 5am first!