Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Girlpocalypse 2025 Results!

🥳 Thank youuu^♾️ to freyja, Hamaon, and Thaya for making all this possible as well as to fellow participants and all of you who came to cheer me on and keep me company on stream during this. Events like this and people like you—especially those of you who gave these packs hell and pushed yourselves with me—are my reason for still chasing all these arrows after nearly 22 years. 🙏💖🔥

For those wishing to participate in Girlpocalypse in future years, bookmark the link here:

Also, in case you missed it, check out my JOKRvideos YouTube channel to witness all the suffering that unfolded during this (aside from my YOLO'd timing set, which I didn't bother uploading) and countless other dance game events: